“HotWired Lounge” by HotWired

  • ©HotWired

  • ©HotWired




    HotWired Lounge

Program Title:

    Interactive Communities


Project Affiliation:



    HotWired is new thinking for a new medium. Since its launch in October 1994, it has changed the face of publishing in the online world. Its originality in graphics, content, and point of view make it utterly different from any other online service.

    HotWired is published on the World Wide Web. Its audience can connect from anywhere in the world. Membership is free, and a registration system allows HotWired users to customize their view of the station. Hypertext links give HotWired members a gateway into the expanding universe of the Web, and links from other Web pages bring new members onto HotWired.

    Since October 1994, HotWired has been adding about 1,000 users each day. In mid-April, membership topped 150,000. HotWired launched with six channels:

    Signal is the pulse of the digital revolution, including news about where to go and what to see on the Net, industry gossip, and reviews of advances in communications technology.

    Eyewitness offers highly personal hypertext essays and bulletins, plus calendars, current events, and news from Tokyo, London, Amsterdam, Johannesburg, and other cities around the world.

    Renaissance 2.0 includes HotWired’s digital galleries, where a new generation of musicians, illustrators, fine artists, filmmakers, and writers show their work.

    Piazza is the heart of HotWired, a central square where members can exchange information, criticism, fan mail, and business tips; the community space uses custom technology to create a graphical conferencing system for the Web. In HotWired’s auditorium, members chat with a regular schedule of live guests.

    Coin is where commerce takes place on HotWired. In the classified section, members can buy, sell, and trade goods. They can also find videos, CD-ROMS, and other original work by members of the HotWired community. HotWired also contains the archives of Wired magazine. This is a free, searchable, fulltext library of every story that has appeared in Wired.

    HotWired broke the mold of online programming by eschewing “shovelware” and building a creative team of engineers, editors, and designers that produces original online material on a daily deadline. (It also sold out all its advertising spaces at launch!)


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