“Foveated 3D Display” by Finch, Guenter and Snyder

  • ©Mark Finch, Brian Guenter, and John M. Snyder

  • ©Mark Finch, Brian Guenter, and John M. Snyder



Entry Number: 05


    Foveated 3D Display



    Humans see at high resolution only within a few degrees of the direction we are looking. Moving our gaze position around the current scene, we build up the rich visual landscape we consider reality from a sparse set of details, filled in with coarser data from our peripheral vision.

    Traditional display systems don’t know where the user is looking and so must render at uniformly high resolution. Consumer demands to raise graphics quality while lowering hardware weight and power consumption suggest that this obvious inefficiency will not persist indefinitely.

    We exploit the foveated nature of the human visual system by combining 150 years of psycho-visual research, newly maturing eye tracking technology, and careful antialiasing and compositing techniques on the GPU. User studies have verified that our system provides quality equivalent to traditional display while rendering a factor of 10 to 15 fewer pixels, and achieving an overall speedup of a factor of 6 to 8.


    GUENTER, B., FINCH, M. DRUCKER, S. TAN, D., AND SNYDER, J. 2012. Foveated 3D Graphics. In ACM Trans. Graph. 26 (Nov.).


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