“AquaTop Display: A true ”immersive” water display system” by Matoba, Takahashi, Tokui, Phuong, Yamano, et al. …
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Entry Number: 04
- AquaTop Display: A true ”immersive” water display system
The AquaTop Display is system that uses the projection of images onto cloudy water. This system allows the users limbs to freely move through, under and over the projection surface. As the projection medium is fluid, we propose new interaction methods specific to this medium by using a Kinect Depth Sensor. Scooping up water, protruding fingers out from underneath the water surface are capable with this system. These type of interactions are not normally possible with current impenetrable rigid surfaces. Using mapped projection, AquaTop Display also augments one’s limbs on the water surface, providing a environment for an ’immersible’ experience, allowing the users to become one with the screen.
TAKAHASHI, Y., MATOBA, Y., AND KOIKE, H. 2012. Fluid surface: interactive water surface display for viewing information in a bathroom. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces, ACM, New York, NY, USA, ITS ’12, 311–314.
YAGI, A., IMURA, M., KURODA, Y., AND OSHIRO, O. 2011. 360-degree fog projection interactive display. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Emerging Technologies, ACM, New York, NY, USA, SA ’11, 19:1–19:1.