“An Interactive Zoetrope for the Animation of Solid Figurines and Holographic Projections” by Smoot, Bassett, Hart, Burman and Romrell

  • ©Lanny Smoot, Katie Bassett, Stephen Hart, Daniel Burman, and Anthony Romrell



Entry Number: 06


    An Interactive Zoetrope for the Animation of Solid Figurines and Holographic Projections



    We demonstrate interactive zoetropes that animate holographic images or solid figurines. Unlike previously existing zoetropes, they are capable of aperiodic, interactive behavior. For example, we use them to animate talking character’s mouths in real time, in response to human speech.

    Zoetropes trace their roots to the early 1800s. Initially developed as parlor entertainment, they inspired the successive-image presentation method used in modern cinema and television. They were typically spinning platters or cylinders around which 2D images were affixed. The device was spun rapidly, and included a method (e.g. slits or mirrors) to strobe the user’s view of the images, freezing their translational movement, and overlaying them to create animation.

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©Lanny Smoot, Katie Bassett, Stephen Hart, Daniel Burman, and Anthony Romrell ©Lanny Smoot, Katie Bassett, Stephen Hart, Daniel Burman, and Anthony Romrell ©Lanny Smoot, Katie Bassett, Stephen Hart, Daniel Burman, and Anthony Romrell ©Lanny Smoot, Katie Bassett, Stephen Hart, Daniel Burman, and Anthony Romrell ©Lanny Smoot, Katie Bassett, Stephen Hart, Daniel Burman, and Anthony Romrell ©Lanny Smoot, Katie Bassett, Stephen Hart, Daniel Burman, and Anthony Romrell


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