“Actualities: Seamless Live Performance with the Physical and Virtual Audiences in Multiverse” by Lin, Chou, Weng, Tsai Chen, Lim, et al. …

  • ©Ke-Fan Lin, Yu-Chih Chou, Yu-Hsiang Weng, Yvone Tsai Chen, Zin-Yin Lim, Chi-Po Lin, Ping-Hsuan Han, and Tse-Yu Pan



Entry Number: 01


    Actualities: Seamless Live Performance with the Physical and Virtual Audiences in Multiverse



    During the pandemic, the popularity of VR concerts increased, providing the audience with a novel experience of watching performances where performers and online attendees typically exist in different spaces and times. However, as the pandemic recovered gradually, people returned to live performances physically due to the diminished sense of co-presence experienced in VR concerts. We present Actualities, a seamless live performance consisting of onsite and online form with a multiverse interaction to create an engaging experience for all participants. By utilizing various sensors, we capture signals from the performance venue and digitalize all onsite elements into virtual scenes. The visual content is projected onto screens for the onsite audience, while being simultaneously broadcast via live-streaming to the online audience.


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