Maria Wiener: Dialogos

  • ©2004, Maria Wiener





Creation Year:



    Experimental Animation


    Length 4:08


Artist Statement:

    In Greek, “Dialogos” means dialogue. Drawing inspiration from the experiments currently taking place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in relation to technologies that can generate holographic video images, “Dialogos” is a “pilot” for future live performances. It demonstrates the kind of dialogue that could exist between performers and projections, between the real and the virtual, between performers and holograms. It represents a live performance of a duet for a live pe ormer and his projected kinetic hologram.

    In “Dialogos,” the performer can pass through the projection, and the projected figure can pass through the live performer and the transparent projected surfaces and dance on stage with him. Therefore “Dialogos” manifests a marriage between dance and technology in the future, in which both figures are celebrating as if they are performing a ritual.

    “Dialogos” is a collaborative project among a performer, two model designers, a composer, and a director/digital choreographer. It was formed from motion-capture data, using Vicon 8 transferred to 3d studio max.

    “Dialogos” has received a Certificate of Merit at INTERCOM he International Communications Film and Video Competition), a division of the Chicago International Film Festival, under the Category of Special Achievement for Computer Animation in 2003.

Technical Information:

    Director: Maria Wiener

    Producer: University of Lethbridge

    Movement Source: William Smith

    Music Composition: Nikolaj Bjerre

    Digital Representation: Kristy Sorgard, Ghassan Zabaneh

    Digital Choreography, Camera, and Direction: Maria Wiener

All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: