Hyojung Seo, Seunghye Kim: Spatial Oscillator
- Spatial Oscillator
- SIGGRAPH 2006: Electronically Mediated Performances
- More artworks from SIGGRAPH 2006:
- Interactive performance
Artist Statement:
We imagine the virtual space as being a stable state of energies. As a human enters the space, the space starts to oscillate. The state of equilibrium is broken, and the energy of the human body spreads to the space. As in Hegel’s pattern of dialectical reasoning (thesis, antithesis, synthesis), we defined the relationship of the space and the human in three phases:
1. Recognition
The space shows the horizontal lines that represent a stable state. As the performer enters the space, the space starts to oscillate. The noise increases as the performer approaches the space, and the lines are distorted according to the shape or movement of the performer. The sound also is synchronized with the same data used for the image, generating a granular process.
2. Confrontation
The space starts to conflict with the human body. The performer and the space oscillate to compete for predominance. The image represents the reaction of the space such as changing dimensions, colors, and speed according to the movement of the performer.
3. Fusion
The energies from the space and the performer are mixed. The colored particles in the image represent the energies from the human body. The particles fill the space and the space reaches a new equilibrium state that includes the energy of the performer.
Technical Information:
The motion of the performer is detected by a DV camera and data such as the speed of activity and the position of the performer in the space are shared with the computers and mapped to parameters for processing sounds and images in real time. The virtual particles’ movements and energies induced by the performer are used as parameters for the particles-like sound.