Ed Cookson, Edd Dawson-Taylor, Adam Hoyle, Lewis Sykes, Olly Venning: Spacequatica

  • ©2008, Ed Cookson, Edward Dawson-Taylor, Adam Hoyle, Lewis Sykes, and Olly Venning

  • ©2008, Ed Cookson, Edward Dawson-Taylor, Adam Hoyle, Lewis Sykes, and Olly Venning

  • ©2008, Ed Cookson, Edward Dawson-Taylor, Adam Hoyle, Lewis Sykes, and Olly Venning





Creation Year:



Artist Statement:

    The Sancho Plan creates real-time audio/visual experiences for modern audiences. Through our live shows and installations, we explore custom-built, interactive technologies that fuse film and animation, sound and music, interaction design and gaming, and live performance into unified works of immersive public entertainment. Visually and sonically, Spacequatica takes us on a descent through a musical ocean. Beginning near the surface, where phasing xylophones interact with schools of small exotic creatures, the animation explores deeper waters populated by robotic sharks, and the depths, where all that can be observed is a self-illuminating species occasionally blinking out of the darkness.

Other Information:

    The Sancho Plan (http://thesanchoplan.com/) is an arts collective based in London. Founded in 2002, our aim has always been to combine the creative talents of our diverse group to create innovative immersive sonic experiences. Our works are predominantly audio-visual environments and live performances, although we have also developed accompanying online and mobile apps.

    Project director: Ed Cookson

    Lead artist: Olly Venning (neurosuspension.com)

    CG lead: Edward Dawson-Taylor (edjfx.com)

    System architect: Adam Hoyle (dotankstudios.com)

    Music: Ed Cookson, Lewis Sykes (phd.lewissykes.info)