Celine Guesdon: Ondine: Toison

  • ©2005, Celine Guesdon



    Ondine: Toison


Creation Year:



    2D and 3D photograph


    35 inches x 27 inches


Artist Statement:

    Ondine is an interactive photographic installation mixing photographs, synthesized images and sound. The theme of the installation questions the concept of fluid image and the link that the photographic image, the synthesized image, and sound have with water. I used a prototype digital camera to generate a synthesized 30 volume from a single shot. This camera is, in my opinion, another way of perceiving photography as a volume-image. It generates a kind of floating, weightless, virtual mold in three dimensions, which one can visualize from every angle. The artistic richness is born from this hybridization. It leads the image toward another aesthetic: that of trouble and doubt. Photography would be in “trans-situation,” a kind of enveloping membrane, an organism of its simulation in its reversible transfer from 20 to 30, like a skin.