“Young at Heart” by Crème
- SIGGRAPH 2000 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 2000:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 03
- Young at Heart
Company / Institution / Agency:
- LifeFX Inc.
An old actress (who has never existed) reminisces in her dressing room as she prepares for the stage. For the first time, a convincingly realistic computer-generated human face (in extreme closeup) is brought to life, set in standard dramatic context. The face was created using the finite-element-based LifeFX facial modeling, animation, and performance-capture system, which dynamically simulates complex skin deformation, including fine wrinkling. Artistic control over facial performance, shape, and skin properties allows LifeFX to be used for digital makeup effects. In this example, an aged impression of a real 26-year-old actress has been created.
Additional Contributors:
Producers: Mark Sagar, Lol Creme
Directors of LifeFX Development: Mark Sagar, Paul Charette
Visual Effects Supervisor: David Altenau
CG Artists: Chris Waegner, Rudy Grossman, Olivier Sarda, Kevin Smith, David Altenau, Justine Sagar
Software development: Shane Blackett, Stuart Norris, Richard Christie, David Bullivant, Poul Neilsen, Peter Hunter, Paul Charette, Mark Sagar
Digital tracking: Kieran Waegner, David Kalinoski, Brad Kalinoski, James Shephard
The Jester: Jessica Vallot
Old Age Makeup Consultant: Todd Masters
Director of Photography: Gale Tattersall
Editor: Greg Decamp
Music: Lol Creme