“The Rat Rules!” by Tippett Studio

  • ©  Tippett Studio



    The Rat Rules!

Company / Institution / Agency:

  • Tippett Studio


    Tippett Studio was responsible for 250 shots in the live-action motion picture “Charlotte’s Web.” The majority of Tippett’s work focused on the fully CG rat, Templeton, voiced by Steve Buscemi and key-frame animated by the artists at Tippett Studio.

    In Memory of Rex Markle 1971-2006


    Furocious, Tippett Studio’s proprietary fur tool, Maya, Shake, RenderMan

Additional Contributors:

    Visual Effects Supervisors: Blair Clark, Joel Friesch

    Visual Effects Producer: Alessandra De Souza

    Animation Supervisor: Todd Labonte

    CG Supervisor: William Todd Stinson

    Visual Effects Production Manager: Genevieve Proctor McMahon

    Animation Lead: Jason Armstrong

    Animators: Robert Alves, Dovi Anderson, Michael Berenstein, Michael Brunet, Jaime Castaneda, Raquel Coelho, Will Groebe, Tom Gibbons, David Gibson, Geoff Hemphill, Ryan Hood, Julie Jaros, Morgan Loomis, Brian Mendenhall, Guido Muzzarelli, Elliott Roberts, Jance Rubinchik

    Lighting Supervisor: Steve Reding

    Lighting Lead: Aharon Bourland

    Lighters: Mimia Arbelaez, Jim Aupperle, Dhyana Brummel, Howard Campbell, Brad Fox, Wen-Chin Hsu, Holly Kim-Angel, Joshua Lebeau, Jim McVay, Marie-Laure Nguyen, Steven Quinones-Colon, John Rader, Dylan Robinson, Ryan Todd, Bart Trickel, Davy Wentworth, Alfred Young

    Compositing Lead: Colin Epstein

    Compositors: Daniel Bryant, Michael Clemens, Page Frakes, Chris Gibbons, Charles Granich, Aruna Inversin, Matt Jacobs, Jonathan Knight, Chris Morley, Ari Rubenstein, David Schnee, Mark Tammy, Davi Stein

    Visual Effects Animation Leads: Rosa Lin, Daniel Rolinek

    Visual Effects Animators: Uma Havaligi, Konstantin Promokhov

    Character Set-up Lead: David Richard Nelson

    Character Set-up: Tracy Roberts, Jeremie Talbot

    Lead Painter: Nathan Stinus Fredenburg

    Painters: Negin Bairami, Brad De Caussin, Janelle Schneider

    Lead Modeler: Sven Jensen

    Modeler: Paul Zinnes

    Lead Match-Mover: Christopher Paizis

    Match-Movers: Devin Breese, Dong Kang, Kirk Larkins, Eric Marko, Steve Moros, Mark Siew

    Lead Roto-Paint Artist: Rick Markle

    Roto-Paint Artists: Kane Brassington, Shelley Campbell, Robert Dorris, Ross Nakamura, Dan Riha, Brian Smith, Ken Voss

    Digital Production Manager: Tim De Pala

    Visual Effects Coordinators: Sabrina Fredenburg, S. Forest Swartout, Lee Hahn

    Visual Effects Coordination Assistant: Jonathan Tal

    Visual Effects Editor: Sarah Schubart

    Visual Effects Editorial Assistant: Shannon Hullender

    Film I/O Supervisor: Nathan Abbot

    Imaging Supervisor: Matthew Tomlinson

    Editorial/Imaging Manager: Vicki Wong

    Digital Color Corrector: Adam Gerardin

    Digital Camera Operator: David Link

    Visual Effects Executive Producers: Kip Larsen, Jules Roman

Animation / Video Overview:
