“The Great Train Rubbery” by Wyvill
- SIGGRAPH 1988 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1988:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 13
- The Great Train Rubbery
Company / Institution / Agency:
- University of Calgary
The University of Calgary Graphics land Computer Animation System was used to create this humorous twist on a traditional western train robbery film. Innovative modeling techniques, called “Soft Objects,” are used to create a “rubber” train which careens about a desert landscape filled with towering hoodoos and metamorphic cacti. Sophisticated motion control methods allow the train to bend, stretch, squash and chug its way across the colorful and rugged terrain. The iso-surface blending nature of “SoftObjects” allows the train to have a surprising rendezvous with “ElBanco,” the flexible frontier bank, at the finale of the film.