“Paraworld” by Pendulum Studios
- SIGGRAPH 2007 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 2007:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 19
- Paraworld
Company / Institution / Agency:
- Pendulum Studios
A fully-3D game cinematic and trailer for Sunflowers/SEK’s Paraworld that takes viewers right into the midst of a chaotic and heated battle on a strange planet where humans command dinosaurs, and tribal warfare is part of daily life. Produced in HD by Pendulum Studios and directed by studio owners Mike McCormick and Robert Taylor, the 60-second cinematic introduces the new real-time strategy game and features a battlefield populated by primitive barbarians, nimble-footed assassins, and giant reptiles trained as war machines.
Autodesk Maya, Mental Ray, Pixologic ZBrush, and e-on Software’s Vue Infinite, Adobe After Effects, Shake, Photoshop, Shave and a Haircut, Syflex for 3D cloth simulation, and the studio’s proprietary facial-animation software, Stretchmark.
Additional Contributors:
Director, 3D Lead, Shading & Lighting Artist: Michael McCormick
Director, Executive Producer, Lead Compositor: Robert Taylor
Producer: Wade Ammon
Storyboard & Design: Ron Chan
Lead Modelling & Texture Artist: Reed Casey
Modelling & Texture Artists: Bryn Morrow, Gina Adamova, Scott Spencer, Ricardo Ariza
Shading & Lighting Artist, Software Development: Stefan Minning
Shading & Lighting Artist: Florian Wild
Character TDs: Mattias Jervill, Matt Schiller
Character TD, Software & Tools Development: Michael Hutchinson
Animators: Emil Bidiuc, Kevin Jackson
3D FX Artists: Paul Jewell, Steve Kalinowski
Junior Compositor: Scott Mitchell
Editor, Digital Video Specialist: Abe Cajudo
Digital Video Assist: Yu Hsien Chen
IT & System Administrators: Josh Penix, Michael Converse