“Function of the Braincells” by Bister
- SIGGRAPH 1988 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1988:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 33
- Function of the Braincells
Company / Institution / Agency:
- Atelier Bister-Animation Art
The primary goal of Function of the Brain Cells was to give a scientifically correct view of the inner brain activity and the functions of brain cells, yet be understandable to the layman. In addition, Atelier Bister set out to create an aesthetically beautiful microcosmic world. Production time, including storyboarding, modeling, rendering and recording, took about three months .
Additional Contributors:
Design and Storyboard: Jules and Elka Bister
Modeling and Animation: Jules Bister
Equipment: Cubicomp Picture Maker
Scientific Assistance: Prof. Cervos-Navarro, Klinikum Steglitz
Berlin Music: Audiplex Studios
Production: Atelier Bister
Client: Media Connex GmbH, Hamburg