“Computer Animation Festival Titles” by Ciarelli and Wong

  • ©Damon Ciarelli and Boo Wong



    Computer Animation Festival Titles



    This year’s Electronic Theater and Animation Theater title designs are inspired by the world that the annual SIGGRAPH conference creates for a brief period each year. The titles were designed with the idea that SIGGRAPH is a world unto itself, with inside jokes amongst those who have been attending for years and humorous revelations for first-time attendees. They commemorate and celebrate the unique people, happenings, and experiences that make the SIGGRAPH conference such a memorable event.

    Contrasting life-like motion capture with minimalist design, the titles attempt to separate physical space and form from the actions and behaviors that make the SIGGRAPH community a living entity. To achieve this, two New York-based comedy groups were asked to motion capture “typical” SIGGRAPH behaviors and experiences. From many students crammed into one hotel room to someone falling asleep during a panel, the comedians helped recreate SIGGRAPH situations, while adding their own comedic touch.

    Professionals at Curious Pictures in New York, students at Parsons School of Design, and a production team from New York University joined together in a collaborative effort to make the title designs a reality. This collaboration gave students an opportunity to gain pro- fessional experience and exposure to the industry, and it allowed professionals to partner with talented and excited young individuals from New York universities. The titles project brought together a range of knowledge and perspectives to create a fresh look for the SIGGRAPH 2004 Computer Animation Festival.

Additional Contributors:

    Producer: Anezka Sebek
    Designer: Jonathan Garin
    Technical Director: Damon Ciarelli
    Sound Designer: Clilly Castiglia Kevin Feeley
    Motion Capture Actors: Elephant Larry
    (www.elephantlarry.com), Meat(www.funnymeat.com)
    Additional Design and Animation
    Parsons School of Design: Hyehyun Ahn Hyen, Seung Kang, David Lam, Veronica Skogberg, Rahul Spall, Russ Wootton
    Motion Capture Technical Team New York University: Chris Bregler, Kate Brehm, Jessica DeVincenzo, Kevin Feeley, Alyssa Lees, Lorenzo Torresani, Bo Wright

Animation / Video Overview:
