“Calculated Movements” by Cuba
- SIGGRAPH 1985 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1985:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 02
- Calculated Movements
A choreographed sequence of graphic effects constructed from simple elements combined in a hierarchical structure. The simplest element is a linear figure, like a ribbon, that appears, flies through space and then disappears. The next level in the hierarchy is an animating geometric form composed of multiple copies of a ‘ribbon’ figure shifted in time and space. At this level the copies are spread out into a 2-D pattern or shifted out of phase for a follow-the- leader type effect, or a combination of the two. The highest level is the sequential arrangement of these graphic events into a ‘score’ that defines the composition from beginning to end. Produced on the Datamax UV-1 with the ZGrass graphics language.