“Procedural Animation Technology behind Microbots in Big Hero 6” by Joo Byun, Falt, Frost, Ali, Daniels, et al. …

  • ©Dong Joo Byun, Henrik Falt, Ben Frost, Mir Ali, Eric Daniels, Peter De Mund, and Michael Kaschalk

  • ©Dong Joo Byun, Henrik Falt, Ben Frost, Mir Ali, Eric Daniels, Peter De Mund, and Michael Kaschalk

  • ©Dong Joo Byun, Henrik Falt, Ben Frost, Mir Ali, Eric Daniels, Peter De Mund, and Michael Kaschalk



Entry Number: 40


    Procedural Animation Technology behind Microbots in Big Hero 6



    In Big Hero 6, tens of millions of tiny robots called Microbots connect together via electromagnetism to create dynamic animated structures. The Microbots rearrange by passing each other over bundles of themselves. In order to achieve a high level of precise control for elaborate art direction, we developed specific procedural animation algorithms.


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