“Augmented Reality for Virtual Set Extension” by Spielmann and Helzle

  • ©Simon Spielmann and Volker Helzle

  • ©Simon Spielmann and Volker Helzle

  • ©Simon Spielmann and Volker Helzle



Entry Number: 10


    Augmented Reality for Virtual Set Extension



    We introduce an intuitive workflow where Augmented Reality can be applied on the fly to extend a real set with virtual extensions. The work on intuitive Virtual Production technology at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg has focused on an open platform tied to existing film creation pipelines. The Virtual Production Editing Tools (VPET) are published and constantly updated on the open source software development platform Github as a result of a former project on Virtual Production funded by the European Union.


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    2018. Game Vice. (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from http://gamevice.com 2018. Ncam camera tracking system. (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from http://www.ncam-tech.com
    2018. Nvidia VCA Hardware. GPU based high performance Visual Computing Appli ance. (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from http://www.nvidia.com/object/ visual-computing-appliance.html
    2018. Project Dreamspace, funded by the European Union (610005). (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from http://dreamspaceproject.eul
    2018. Redshift renderer. GPU-accelerated, biased renderer. (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from http://www.redshift3d.com/product
    2018. Solid Track camera tracking solution. (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from http://www.solid-track.com
    2018a. VPET at Apple App Store. (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from https: //itunes.apple.com/us/app/vpet/id1374394388
    2018b. VPET project page. (May 2018). Retrieved May 08, 2018 from http://vpet. research.animationsinstitut.de
    R. Ichikari, K. Kawano, A. Kimura, F. Shibata, and H. Tamura. 2006. Mixed reality pre-visualization and camera-work authoring in filmmaking. In 2006 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. 239–240. https://doi. org/10.1109/ISMAR.2006.297823
    Simon Spielmann, Andreas Schuster, Kai Goetz, and Volker Helzle. 2016. VPET: A Toolset for Collaborative Virtual Filmmaking. In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Technical Briefs (SA ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 29, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10. 1145/3005358.3005370
    S. Spielmann V. Helzle. 2017. Next Level Consumer Devices for Virtual Production.. In CVMP 2017. Poster Presentation.



    Special thanks to Kai Goetz (assets), Sven Bergmann (camera), Andreas Schuster (engineering), Benjamin Hauffe (technical documentation), Madeleine Pfälzner (production design) and Lisa Ritschel (production).
    VPET was initially developed in the scope of the EU funded project Dreamspace[Dre 2018]. The development was continued after project Dreamspace ended in fall 2016 on behalf of Filmakadmies R&D funds.


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