“Projects for a Computer Graphics Programming Course” by Cunningham

  • ©Stephen

  • ©Stephen

  • ©Stephen

  • ©Stephen

  • ©Stephen

  • ©Stephen




    Projects for a Computer Graphics Programming Course



    One of the key points in creating an effective computer science course is developing the projects students will do in the course. This paper describes a set of projects for a computer graphics programming course, with a particular focus on projects whose content is in the area of visualization in the sciences.1 This focus serves a well-defined group of students whose needs have long been a concern to the SIGGRAPH community5 and can also make the course a key factor in a computational science program. The projects are intended to allow the course to be both an effective service course for science students and a sound introduction to computer graphics for computer science students.


    This work is partially supported by National Science Foundation grant DUE-9950121. All opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations in this work are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The author would also like to thank the San Diego Supercomputer Center for supporting this work.


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