“An Autostereoscopic Projector Array Optimized for 3D Facial Display” by Nagano, Jones, Liu, Busch, Yu, et al. …

  • ©Koki Nagano, Andrew C. Jones, Jing Liu, Jay Busch, Xueming Yu, Mark T. Bolas, and Paul E. Debevec

  • ©Koki Nagano, Andrew C. Jones, Jing Liu, Jay Busch, Xueming Yu, Mark T. Bolas, and Paul E. Debevec



Entry Number: 03


    An Autostereoscopic Projector Array Optimized for 3D Facial Display



    Video projectors are rapidly shrinking in size, power consumption, and cost. Such projectors provide unprecedented flexibility to stack, arrange, and aim pixels without the need for moving parts. We present a dense projector display that is optimized in size and resolution to display an autostereoscopic lifesized 3D human face with a wide 110 degree field of view. Applications include 3D teleconferencing and fully synthetic characters for education and interactive entertainment.


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