“Image-Based Material Editing” by University of Central Florida

  • ©Erik Reinhard  University of Central Florida


SIGGRAPH Video Review:




    Image-Based Material Editing




Company / Institution / Agency:

  • University of Central Florida


    This work showcases a feasibility study on editing the appearance of objects in images. For each frame, the input is a single high-dynamic-range photograph. An alpha matte is created by hand to differentiate the object from its background. In separate automated processes, the object is removed from the background, and the 3D shape of the object is recovered. The background is then blurred, color enhanced, and texture mapped onto the 3D shape, resulting in an object which appears to be made of a different material. The nov-elty of this work lies in the fact that extensive material changes are possible without manually reconstructing a 3D scene. The success of this approach is assured by carefully exploiting idiosyncracies of the human visual system. For instance, the refracted pattern of light needs to be consistent with the shape of the object, and its overall tone needs to be consistent with the environment. Otherwise, signifi-cant deviations from physical accuracy are tolerated by the human visual system, which relaxes the demands on our material editing algorithms. This, in combination with the recent development of sev-eral image-processing techniques, allows objects to be turned into transparent, translucent, and arbitrarily reflective materials.


    All images were acquired with a Nikon D2H photocamera. Camera motion was obtained using a custom-built motion rig.


    The final edit-ing and titles were generated with Adobe Premiere. All software to create high-dynamic-range images, perform material edits, and tone-map the results is home-grown.

Additional Contributors:

    Director and Producer: Erik Reinhard


    Erum Arif Khan – University of Central Florida

    Oguz Akyuz – University of Central Florida

    Roland Fleming – Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

    Heinrich Buelthoff – Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Animation / Video Overview:
