“K Museum” by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • ©Shinsuke Baba  Massachusetts Institute of Technology



    K Museum


Company / Institution / Agency:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology


    K Museum showcases the architectural atmosphere achievable through radiosity rendering. Titled to evoke the Japanese term ka-ku-u or “virtual,” the animation treats the viewer to a sweeping tour of the entrance to a simulated museum. The vestibule is a striking amalgamation of both material and space, highlighting the visual contrasts attained through blending indoor with outdoor space, immediate with remote vistas, hori-zontal with vertical conditions, and shiny with matte surfaces. The rendering captures the subtle shadows and color bleeding that result from atmospheric conditions, such as the pool’s soft reflection of the distant trees and the diffuse lighting on the stairs reflected from a neighboring wall. These ephemeral details embody the essence of atmosphere and afford a true architectural experience.

Additional Contributors:

    Director/Producer: Shinsuke Baba

    Collaborators: Jennifer Meloon, Stephen Duck

Animation / Video Overview:
