Issue 40: SIGGRAPH ’88 Art Show: Interactive and Video Artists

  • ©40, SIGGRAPH '88 Art Show: Interactive and Video Artists

SVR Issue No:  40

SVR Issue Title:  SIGGRAPH '88 Art Show: Interactive and Video Artists

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1988

SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 40 SIGGRAPH ’88 Art Show: Interactive and Video Artists
    1. Very Nervous System – Rokeby
    2. Self Search – Axelrad
    3. Plasm: A Nano Sample – Myers et, al., Silicon Graphics
    4. Videoplace ’88 – Krueger
    5. Interactive Video Kaleidoscope – Sims
    6. Lego/Logo – Conn, MIT Media Lab.
    7. Bird Cage and Word Processor – Rath
    8. Interactive Image – DeFanti et al., UIC

SVR Animations and Videos: