“Design Patterns to Guide Player Movement in 3D Games” by Milam

  • ©D. Milam




    Design Patterns to Guide Player Movement in 3D Games



    Today’s video games increasingly situate play in imaginative 3D worlds. As a result, the industry has devoted much time and effort to level design, but very few researchers have addressed or investigated this subject. The process of level design or how designers push or pull players through levels within video games is not well documented.

    This paper proposes a set of design patterns for level design. The patterns were developed based on interviews with game designers and analysis of game play, and validated via expert review and inter-rater agreement. These design patterns serve as a contribution to understanding and evaluating level design. The paper also proposes a timeline video annotation method that provides a very effective approach to analyzing game-play style, players’ preferences, and level-design problems.

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