“Building bridges, not falling through cracks: what we have learned during ten years of Australian digital visual effects traineeships”

  • ©Shilo T. McClean




    Building bridges, not falling through cracks: what we have learned during ten years of Australian digital visual effects traineeships

Session/Category Title:   Education: Learning and the Studio



    Australia’s New South Wales FTO is a state government body chartered with the task of developing the film and television industries and promoting industrial growth for film & TV businesses based in New South Wales. When the transition from analogue to digital gained momentum in the mid-1990s, there was an imperative to help artists from other media cross-train to take up the new opportunities arising at that time and find ways to bring people with very limited experience with digital tools up to speed. Since then, there has been substantial growth in both educational programs and employment opportunities. The industry is well-served by formal courses, online mentorship and training programs, professional associations, and many formalized internship arrangements. Similarly, a new generation of artists has come to the industry with high levels of digital literacy. The industry itself has developed sophisticated production practices and infrastructure. It has grown to encompass areas of specialization and developed standards of professionalism that compare favourably, and indeed, exceed those of many fields with longer histories.

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