“Building Compelling VRML Worlds” Moderated by Delle Maxwell

  • ©Clay Graham, David Blair, and James Waldrop



Entry Number: 15


    Building Compelling VRML Worlds




    This panel explores and compares several different directions in largescale sites that use VRML to show what 3D on the Web can offer: multimedia, responsive, changeable, and expandable worlds. Being “largescale” is not necessarily correlated with the heft of the files. A better goal is a balance between ideas, visual design, and navigability. With this balance in mind, each panelist explores one of several domains: formation of a vocabulary for “virtual architecture,” reconstruction of a lost-archaeological site, exploration of hybrid narrative and creation of a “procedural cinema,” and creation of a VRML-based Web site business. Panelists present the ideas behind their work and address issues they all have in common: how one weaves motion, lighting, architecture, sound, history, navigation, and narrative into a fabric of interactive experience. 

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