“Dynamic skin deformation and animation controls using maya cloth for facial animation” by Chim and Kim

  • ©Jimmy Chim and Hyunsuk Kim



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    Dynamic skin deformation and animation controls using maya cloth for facial animation

Session/Category Title:   New Uses for Cloth, Hair, & Fire



    This sketch presents a solution for creating expressive computer facial animation using off-the-shelf software. We will describe how to apply dynamic skin deformation on a CG character using Maya Cloth and how to create artist-friendly animation controls. Historically, facial animation with sophisticated skin deformation based on physical characteristics of skin could only be done using proprietary software in big studios, which are not accessible to small studios, independent animators and students. The solution that we have developed is easy to understand and does not involve any programming knowledge.


    1. Parke, F. I., and Waters, K. 1996. Computer Facial Animation. A. K. Peters.
    2. Larrabee, W. 1986. A finite element model of skin deformation I: Biomechanics of skin and soft tissue: A review. Laryngoscope, vol. 96, 399–405

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