“Bridging the resolution gap: superimposition of multiple multi-channel volumes” by Liang, Schulze, West, Martone and Zwicker

  • ©Chih K Liang, Jurgen Schulze, Ruth G. West, Maryann Martone, and Matthias Zwicker

  • ©Chih K Liang, Jurgen Schulze, Ruth G. West, Maryann Martone, and Matthias Zwicker




    Bridging the resolution gap: superimposition of multiple multi-channel volumes



    We present a new algorithm to render multiple overlapping volume data sets in real-time. Our approach uses textured slices for rendering volumes, and GLSL shaders for the application of transfer functions and the blending of data channels.


    1. Cullip, T., and Neumann, U. 1993. Accelerating Volume Reconstruction With 3D Texture Hardware. Technical Report TR93-027, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
    2. Schulze, J., and Rice, A. 2004. Real-Time Volume Rendering of Four-Channel Data Sets. In poster proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2004, Austin, TX.

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©Chih K Liang, Jurgen Schulze, Ruth G. West, Maryann Martone, and Matthias Zwicker

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