“The relationship among age and other factors on incidence of cybersickness in immersive environment users” by Knight and Arns

  • ©Melinda M. Knight and Laura Arns




    The relationship among age and other factors on incidence of cybersickness in immersive environment users



    The work presented in this poster is a study of cybersickness in 450 visitors to a virtual reality (VR) lab on a university campus. Researchers observed several interesting trends, including an increased incidence and severity of sickness among older visitors and lower incidence and severity of sickness in younger visitors. This finding is in direct contrast to studies of traditional motion sickness commonly sited in the VR literature, and was first presented in our previous poster [Arns & Cerney 2005]. Other factors, including gender, level of game play, presence score and susceptibility rating were examined as secondary factors. The current poster covers some other interesting findings of the study.


    1. Arns, L., Cerney, M. 2005. The relationship between age and incidence of cybersickness among immersive environment users. Poster at IEEE VR 2005.
    2. Cobb, S. V., Nichols, S. C., Ramsey, A. D., & Wilson, J. R. 1999. Virtual reality induced symptoms and effects (VRISE). Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 8, 169–186.
    3. Kennedy, R. S., Lane, N. E., Berbaum, K. S., & Lilienthal, M. G. 1993. A simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ): A new method for quantifying simulator sickness. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 3, 3, 203–220.
    4. Stanney, K. M., Mourant, R. R., & Kennedy, R. S. 1998. Human factors issues in virtual environments: A review of the literature. Presence, 7, 4, 327–351.

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