“Animating agents for presenting tables and graphs” by Kondo, Yamamoto and Noma

  • ©Kazumasa Kondo, Kunio Yamamoto, and Tsukasa Noma




    Animating agents for presenting tables and graphs



    Most of current interface/pedagogical agents are domain-specific ones with elaborate “intelligent” rules for, e.g. sightseeing guides and weather reports[Andre et al. 1999], or general-purpose systems,  typically with script-like languages[Noma et al. 2000]. In the for- mer, we need to develop a brand-new system with huge costs; while in the latter, script writing is a tedious work. This poster proposes yet another approach to animating agents; a life-like agent system called TablePresenter, where all we have to  do is to make tables and graphs on Microsoft Excel, and to dia- grammatically specify presentation contents. Animated presentation for explaining the tables/graphs is then automatically generated from the above data. Tables and graphs are general-purpose information representations, and our system is thus achieves both domain-independence and ease-of-use simultaneously.  


    1. Andre, E., Rist, T., and Muller, J. 1999. Employing ai methods to control the behavior of animated interface agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence 13, 4, 415–448.
    2. Noma, T., Zhao, L., and Badler, N. 2000. Design of a virtual human presenter. IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl. 20, 4, 79–85.

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