SIGGRAPH 2023 Practitioner Award: Museth

  • ©2023, Ken Museth



    Practitioner Award


    Ken built the core VDB data structure and many of the algorithms based on his previous ideas for DB+Grid.  The OpenVDB library was released as open source and allowed for efficient access to impressive resolutions of volumetric data.  The library has become an industry standard for visual effects, but has also found use in many other areas including industrial design, robotics, medicine, rocket design, scientific visualization and real time graphics in games.

    Ken continues to lead development of OpenVDB, which was the first project adopted by the ASWF.  Recently, he released NanoVDB, a GPU-friendly and portable VDB structure for real-time rendering.

    Ken’s engagement in the community, presenting courses or running birds of a feather helps not only other practitioners, but also artists and users understand the concepts and best practices for using and adopting OpenVDB.
