“Frontiers Workshop: All the Metaverse’s a Stage: Theatrical Strategies for Blended Realities” by Kim, Szilak, Freer, Benzing and Barraza

  • ©Scarlett Kim, Illya Szilak, Katherine Freer, Kiira Benzing, and Erika Barraza




    Frontiers Workshop: All the Metaverse's a Stage: Theatrical Strategies for Blended Realities



    “All the world’s a stage”: Shakespeare’s analogy of life-as-performance and performance-as-life becomes evermore resonant in blended realities, where parameters of liveness, immersion, and agency are continually iterated and expanded. This workshop is a hands-on exploration of how theatrical strategies—of performance, dramaturgy, and collaboration—can revolutionize authentic metaverse experiences. We will delve into case studies of artists using theatrical strategies for XR worldbuilding and performance creation, and test out pragmatic applications in a series of interdisciplinary exercises. How could Brecht’s Epic Theatre inspire new Motion Capture techniques? How can Grotowski’s theatre and Korean shamanism inform empathy and collective effervescence in social VR?