“KidCast For Peace: Solutions For A Better World” by Rosen

  • ©Peter H. Rosen




    KidCast For Peace: Solutions For A Better World

Program Title:

    SIGKids Community Outreach



    Children of all ages share their art live and direct us to their KidCast For Peace Web sites, VRML worlds, chat rooms, and interactive music spaces. Children at each participating site respond to comments and questions from local and cyber audiences. Free CU-SeeMe videoconference software enables real-time visual and audio interaction. The video camera focuses on the child and art together, then zooms into the art. A KidCast Central (creativity.net/kidcast2.html) moderator encourages the other sites to respond to what they see, evoking questions, feelings, and impressions. 

ACM Digital Library Publication:

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