“Scale-dependent reproduction of pen-and-ink illustrations” by Salisbury, Anderson, Lischinski and Salesin

  • ©Michael P. Salisbury, Corin Anderson, Daniel (Dani) Lischinski, and David H. Salesin




    Scale-dependent reproduction of pen-and-ink illustrations



    This paper describes a representation for pen-and-ink illustrations that allows the creation of high-fidelity illustrations at any scale or resolution. We represent a pen-and-ink illustration as a low-resolution grey-scale image, augmented by a set of discontinuity segments, along with a stroke texture. To render an illustration at a particular scale, we first rescale the grey-scale image to the desired size and then hatch the resulting image with pen-and-ink strokes. The main technical contribution of the paper is a new reconstruction algorithm that magnifies the low-resolution image while keeping the resulting image sharp along discontinuities.


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