“Hybrid stereo camera: an IBR approach for synthesis of very high resolution stereoscopic image sequences” by Sawhney, Guo, Hanna, Kumar, Adkins, et al. …

  • ©Harpreet S. Sawhney, Yanlin Guo, Keith Hanna, Rakesh Kumar, Sean Adkins, and Samuel Zhou




    Hybrid stereo camera: an IBR approach for synthesis of very high resolution stereoscopic image sequences



    This paper introduces a novel application of IBR technology for efficient rendering of high quality CG and live action stereoscopic sequences. Traditionally, IBR has been applied to render novel views using image and depth based representations of the plenoptic functions. In this work, we present a restricted form of IBR in which lower resolution images for the views to be generated at a very high resolution are assumed to be available. Specifically, the paper addresses the problem of synthesizing stereo IMAX(R)1 3D motion picture images at a standard resolution of 4-6K. At such high resolutions, producing CG content is extremely time consuming and capturing live action requires bulky cameras. We propose a Hybrid Stereo Camera concept in which one view is rendered at the target high resolution but the other is rendered at a much lower resolution. Methods for synthesizing the second view sequence at the target resolution using image analysis and IBR techniques are the focus of this work. The high quality results from the techniques presented in this paper have been visually evaluated in the IMAX 3D large screen projection environment. The paper also highlights generalizations and extensions of the hybrid stereo camera concept.


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