“Elements of style: learning perceptual shape style similarity”

  • ©Zhaoliang Lun, Evangelos Kalogerakis, and Alla Sheffer




    Elements of style: learning perceptual shape style similarity

Session/Category Title:   Shape Analysis




    The human perception of stylistic similarity transcends structure and function: for instance, a bed and a dresser may share a common style. An algorithmically computed style similarity measure that mimics human perception can benefit a range of computer graphics applications. Previous work in style analysis focused on shapes within the same class, and leveraged structural similarity between these shapes to facilitate analysis. In contrast, we introduce the first structure-transcending style similarity measure and validate it to be well aligned with human perception of stylistic similarity. Our measure is inspired by observations about style similarity in art history literature, which point to the presence of similarly shaped, salient, geometric elements as one of the key indicators of stylistic similarity. We translate these observations into an algorithmic measure by first quantifying the geometric properties that make humans perceive geometric elements as similarly shaped and salient in the context of style, then employing this quantification to detect pairs of matching style related elements on the analyzed models, and finally collating the element-level geometric similarity measurements into an object-level style measure consistent with human perception. To achieve this consistency we employ crowdsourcing to quantify the different components of our measure; we learn the relative perceptual importance of a range of elementary shape distances and other parameters used in our measurement from 50K responses to cross-structure style similarity queries provided by over 2500 participants.We train and validate our method on this dataset, showing it to successfully predict relative style similarity with near 90% accuracy based on 10-fold cross-validation.


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