“Some raster graphics extensions to the Core System” by Foley, Templeman and Dastyar

  • ©James (Jim) D. Foley, James N. Templeman, and Dara Dastyar




    Some raster graphics extensions to the Core System



    The Core System is a proposed standard subroutine package for line-drawing graphics. We present some Core System extensions for use with raster graphics equipment. The extensions, which are upward-compatible with the present Core System, provide filled polygons, display of arrays of pixels, use of a color look-up table, and hidden-surface or hidden-edge removal. The extensions are being intergrated into an existing Core System implementation.


    1. Christiansen, H., Prown, B., and McLary, L. “A General Purpose Computer Graphics Display System for Finite Element Models”, Light, Shock and Vibration Bulletin, Part 5 (August 1976), 61-66.
    2. Foley, J., Templeman, J. and Dastyar, D. Study of Raster Extensions to GCS, final report to Waterways Experiment Station, Contract DACA39-78-M-0073, August 1978.
    3. Foley, J., Templeman, J. and Dastyar, D. Reference Manual – Raster Extensions to the Core System, George Washington University, EE & CS Dept., Washington, D. C. 20052, December 1978.
    4. Fulton, D.L. and Duquet, R.T. “List Processing Primitives for BASIC”, Computers and Graphics 1(2/3), September 1975, pp. 203-210.
    5. Gouraud, H. “Computer Display of Curved Surfaces”, IEEE Transactions on Computers C-20, 6 (June 1971), 623-628.
    6. Status Report of the Graphics Standards Planning Committee of ACM/SIGGRAPH. Published as Computer Graphics 11 (3), Fall 1977.
    7. Second Status Report of the Graphics Standards Planning Committee of ACM/SIGGRAPH. To be published in Computer Graphics.
    8. “Guidelines for Initiation of a Program for Graphics Standards and a Graphic Standards Planning Committee”, Computer Graphics 8, 2(Summer 1974), 19-20.
    9. IGPL – Interactive Graphics Programming Language User’s Reference Manual. NORPAK Ltd., Pakenham, Ontario, Sept. 1977.
    10. Joblove, J.H. and Greenberg, D. “Color Spaces for Computer Graphics”, SIGGRAPH ’78 Proceedings, published as Computer Graphics 12, 3 (August 1978), 20-25.
    11. Michner, J., and van Dam, A. “A Functional Overview of the Core System with Glossary”, Computing Surveys 10, 4 (December 1978), 381-388.
    12. Newman, W. and van Dam, A. “Recent Efforts Toward Graphics Standardization”, Computing Surveys 10, 4 (December 1978), 365-380.
    13. O’Brien, C.D. and Fown, H.H. “IMAGE: A Language for the Interactive Manipulation of a Graphics Environment”, SIGGRAPH ’75 Proceedings, published as Computer Graphics 9 (1), Spring 1975, pp. 53-60.
    14. Reeves, W. GPAC User’s Manual, University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science, January 1977.
    15. Smith, A.R., “Color Gamut Transform Pairs”, SIGGRAPH ’78 Proceedings, published as Computer Graphics 12, 3 (August 1978), 12-19.
    16. Sproull, R., and Newman, W. “The Design of Grey-Scale Graphics Software”, Conference on Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition and Data Structures, IEEE, 1975, 18-20.

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