“Design and volume optimization of space structures” by Jiang, Tang, Seidel and Wonka

  • ©Caigui Jiang, Chengcheng Tang, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Peter Wonka




    Design and volume optimization of space structures

Session/Category Title:   Work it, Make it Better, Stronger




    We study the design and optimization of statically sound and materially efficient space structures constructed by connected beams. We propose a systematic computational framework for the design of space structures that incorporates static soundness, approximation of reference surfaces, boundary alignment, and geometric regularity. To tackle this challenging problem, we first jointly optimize node positions and connectivity through a nonlinear continuous optimization algorithm. Next, with fixed nodes and connectivity, we formulate the assignment of beam cross sections as a mixed-integer programming problem with a bilinear objective function and quadratic constraints. We solve this problem with a novel and practical alternating direction method based on linear programming relaxation. The capability and efficiency of the algorithms and the computational framework are validated by a variety of examples and comparisons.


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