“Lighting grid hierarchy for self-illuminating explosions” by Bitterli and Jarosz

  • ©Can Yuksel and Cem Yuksel




    Lighting grid hierarchy for self-illuminating explosions

Session/Category Title:   Rendering Volumes




    Rendering explosions with self-illumination is a challenging problem. Explosions contain animated volumetric light sources immersed in animated smoke that cast volumetric shadows, which play an essential role and are expensive to compute. We propose an efficient solution that redefines this problem as rendering with many animated lights by converting the volumetric lighting data into a large number of point lights. Focusing on temporal coherency to avoid flickering in animations, we introduce lighting grid hierarchy for approximating the volumetric illumination at different resolutions. Using this structure we can efficiently approximate the lighting at any point inside or outside of the explosion volume as a mixture of lighting contributions from all levels of the hierarchy. As a result, we are able to capture high-frequency details of local illumination, as well as the potentially strong impact of distant illumination. Most importantly, this hierarchical structure allows us to efficiently precompute volumetric shadows, which substantially accelerates the lighting computation. Finally, we provide a scalable approach for computing the multiple scattering of light within the smoke volume using our lighting grid hierarchy. Temporal coherency is achieved by relying on continuous formulations at all stages of the lighting approximation. We show that our method is efficient and effective approximating the self-illumination of explosions with visually indistinguishable results, as compared to path tracing. We also show that our method can be applied to other problems involving a large number of (animated) point lights.


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