“Infinite continuous adaptivity for incompressible SPH”

  • ©Rene Winchenbach, Hendrik Hochstetter, and Andreas Kolb




    Infinite continuous adaptivity for incompressible SPH

Session/Category Title:   Fluids II




    In this paper we introduce a novel method to adaptive incompressible SPH simulations. Instead of using a scheme with a number of fixed particle sizes or levels, our approach allows continuous particle sizes. This enables us to define optimal particle masses with respect to, e.g., the distance to the fluid’s surface. A required change in mass due to the dynamics of the fluid is properly and stably handled by our scheme of mass redistribution. This includes temporally smooth changes in particle masses as well as sudden mass variations in regions of high flow dynamics. Our approach guarantees low spatial variations in particle size, which is a core property in order to achieve large adaptivity ratios for incompressible fluid simulations. Conceptually, our approach allows for infinite continuous adaptivity, practically we achieved adaptivity ratios up to 5 orders of magnitude, while still being mass preserving and numerically stable, yielding unprecedented vivid surface detail at comparably low computational cost and moderate particle counts.


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