Early History of French CG






  • This paper provides an historical summary of the emergence of computer graphics research and creation in France between 1970 and 1990, a period of innovation that transformed artistic practice and French visual media. The paper shows the role of these developments in the history of art, the evolution of digital technology, and the expansion of animation and visual effects in the film industry.


  • 1. Goldstine, Herman H., The Computerfrom Pascal to Von Neumann (Princeton: Princeton Univ
    Press, 1972). Randell, Brian, The Origins ofDigital Computers (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1982).
    Metropolis, Nicholas, et al., ed., A History ofComputing in the Twentieth Century (Orlando:
    Academic Press, 1980).

    2. Chatelin, Philippe, ed., Actes du Colloque sur l’Histoire de l’Informatique en France
    (Grenoble: INPG, 1988).

    3. Pinteau, Pascal, Ejfets Speciaux: Un Siecle d’Histoires (Geneve: Minerva, 2003).

    4. Mounier-Kuhn, Pierre-Eric, L’informatique en France de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale au Plan Ca/cul:
    (Paris: Presses de l’Universite Paris-Sorbonne, 2010).

    5. Schafer, Valerie, La France en Reseaux (1960-1980) (Paris: Nuvis, 2012).

    6. Stourdze, Yves, and Armand Mattelart, Technologie, Culture et Communication: Rapport Remis
    a jean-Pierre Chevenement, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de la Recherche et de l’Jndustrie (Paris: La
    Documentation Frarn;:aise, 1982).

    7. Special Images de Synthese, Sciences et Techniques n° Hors Serie Mai (1984).

    8. SIGGRAPH Video Review <www.siggraph.org/publications/video- review>.

    9. Guedj, Richard A., Methodology in Computer Graphics: Seillac I: IFJP Workshop on Methodology
    in Computer Graphics, Seillac, France, May I976 (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1979).

    IO. Masson, Terrence, CG IOI: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference (San Francisco: New Riders,
    1999) 2n-348. Carlson, Wayne, ” A Critical History of Computer Graphics and Animation,” <design.osu.edu/carlson/history/lesson9.html>.

    11. “Histoire de la Synthese d’Images en France,” research program of l’Ecole Nationale
    Superieure des Arts Decoratifs de Paris, <hist3d.ensad.fr>.

    12. Bezier, Pierre, “Essai de Definition Numerique des Courbes et des Surfaces Experimentales:
    Contribution a l’Ecude des Proprietes des Courbes et des Surfaces Paramerriques Polynomiales a
    Coefficients Vectoriels,” These d’Etat, Universite Paris 6, 1977.

    13. Comparetti, Gilbert, “Essai de Definition d’un Moniteur d’Animation de Structures,” Revue
    Franraise d’Jnformatique et de Recherche Operationnelle, No. 6, 83-95 (1967).

    14. Comparetti, Gilbert, “Annecy: Un Systeme d’Animarion par Ordinareur” (C.E.A., 1974).

    15. ‘Tordinateur Individuel,” No. 83 (1986).

    16. Lucas, Michel, “Techniques de Programmation et d’Utilisation en Mode Conversarionnel des
    Terminaux Graphiques,” these de doctorar, Universire de Grenoble, 1968. Lecarme, Olivier, “Contribution a l’Ecude des Problemes d’Urilisarion des Terminaux Graphiques,” these de docrorat d’Etat, Universite de Grenoble, 1970.

    17. Catmull, Ed, dir., A Computer Animated Hand (1972).

    18. Gouraud, Henri, “Computer Display ofCurved Surfaces,” doctoral thesis, University of Utah,

    19. Insricur de Recherche en Informarique er en Automarique (INRIA).

    20. Association Frarn;:aise pour la Cybernerique Economique er Technique.

    21. Guedj, Richard A., Methodology in Computer Graphics: Seillac I: IFIP Workshop on Methodology
    in Computer Graphics, Seillac, France, May I976 (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1979).

    22. With Philippe Coueignoux, Michel Gangnet.

    23. Henri Mairre, Francis Schmitt.

    24. Claude Cadoz, Annie Luciani.

    25. Insritut National de l’Audiovisuel.

    26. Lucas, Michel, “La Recherche en Synthese d’Image en France Depuis 30 Ans,” Rapport de Recherche
    (Nantes: Insticur de Recherche en Informatique, 1995).

    27. Moles, Abraham, Art et Ordinateur (Paris: Casterman, 1971).

    28. “Une Esthetique Programmee,” Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, II May-6 June 1971.

    29. Couchot, Edmond and Norbert Hillaire, “Art et Informatique,” L’art Numerique: Comment la
    Technologie Vient au Monde de !’Art (Paris: Flammarion, 2005).

    30. Huitric, Herve and Monique Nahas, Variations Continues, Vincennes, France, 1975-76.

    31. Foldes is a traditional animator of British nationality born in Hungary.

    32. Foldes, Peter, “Metadata,” Canada, 1971; “Hunger,” Canada, 1973.

    33. Welker, Cecile, Le Volume de l’Image Numerique, Actes du Colloque Image Numerique:
    Esthetiques, Ideologies, Techniques (Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2012).

    34. Broadcast on La Sept in 1987 and 1991-92.

    35. Interview with Michael Gaumnitz, Paris, 3 April, 2012.

    36. Comparetti, Gilbert, Tune! and Tore, France, 1967-1984.

    37. Mohr, Manfred, Cubic Limit, France, 1973.

    38. Special Images de Synthese, Sciences et Techniques n Hors Serie Mai (1984).

    39. Mechoulam, Claude, “La Simulation du Pilotage,” La Recherche, No. 153 (1984).

    40. “Xavier Nicolas, Jerzy Kular: Sogitec, the First CG Studio in Paris: ExMachina Main Studio in
    Paris at the end of the So’s,” fmx/09 Stuttgart, 8 May, 2009, <media.siggraph.org/paris/fmx/Nicolas-Kular. html>.

    41. “Canon T70,” dir. Fran<;:ois Pecnard, France, 1984.

    42. “GDF,” dir. Fran<;:ois Pecnard, France, 1983.

    43. “BNP,” dir. Daniel Fauchon, France, 1983.

    44. “Sharp,” dir. Xavier Nicolas, France, 1983.

    45. “Nouvelles images,” name given to CG in France in the 1980s.

    46. “Maison Vole,” dir. Andre Martin and Philippe Queau, France, 1983.

    47. Interview with Christian Guillon, Paris, II October, 20II.

    48. “L’Unique,” dir. J. Diamand Berger, France, 1986.

    49. “Pierre Buffin: The Beginning of Buf Compagnie in 1985,” fmx/09 Stuttgart, 8 May, 2009, <media. siggraph.org/paris/fmx/Buffin-Buf.htmb.

    50. “La Vie des Beres,” dir. Jacques Bled et al., France, 1986-87.

    51. “Jacques Bled: The Beginning of MacGuff in 198s; Today One of the Main Studios in Paris,”
    fmx/09 Stuttgart, 8 May, 2009, <media.siggraph.org/paris/fmx/Bled-MacGuff.htmb.

    52. “Georges Lacroix: Fant6me,” fmx/09 Stuttgart, 8 May, 2009, <media.siggraph.org/paris/fmx/

    53. “Les Fables Geometriques,” 50 episodes of 3 minutes, dir. Renato and Georges Lacroix, France,

    54. Henon, Pierre and Cecile Welker, “Faire Vivre l’Informatique Graphique,” acres du Colloque
    pour un Musee de l’Informatique en France, Paris, 8 November, 2012,
    <www.mt.lsee-informatique-numerique. fr>.

    55. Moles, Abraham, Art et Ordinateur (Paris: IBM, 1975).

    56. Dahan, Pierre-Louis and Phac Le Tuan, “Approche Theorique d’une Technique: Perspectives et
    Ombres Calculees,” these de docceur ingenieur, Paris, ENST, 1977.

    57. Images made with Euclid software.

    58. “Bobos-Nonos,” dir. Monique Nahas and Herve Huitric, France, 1979.

    59. Henon, Pierre, “La Creation de !’Atelier d’Image et d’Informatique ( AII),” interview, Paris,
    6 March, 2012.

    60. Couchot, Edmond, “ATI: Le Mariage de !’Art et de la Technologie,” Sy mposium: Le Futur A un
    Passe, Paris, 21 June, 2011.

    61. Constructivists (e.g., Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Hans Richter, and Marcel Duchamp) have demonstrated
    an interest in cinema and its “fourth dimension” of moving images from the 1920s onward.

    62. Couchot, Edmond, Semaphora III, France, 1965-1973. Krueger, Myron, Videoplace, USA, 1974.
    Agam, Yaacov, Fiat Lux, 1967.

    63. Kowalski, Piotr, Cube No. 8, 1967.

    64. Kowalski, Piotr, Time Machine, 1981.

    65. DeWitt, Tom, Pantomation System, 1982.

    66. Welker, Cecile, ‘Tart Numerique Renouvelle-t-il la Creation Comemporaine?” (academic essay, 2009).

    67- “La Petite Danseuse,” dir. Michel Bret, France, 1985.

    68. “La Plume,” dir. Michel Bret, Edmond Couchot, Marie-Helene Tramus, France, 1988.
    The idea and design of “La Plume” go back to 1983. It was co be presented in a show titled Electra
    (Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1983), but the show failed financially. Since 1988, there have
    been several versions of the device; the latest consists of a cloud of feathers (see Figure n).

    69. “Je Seme a Tout Vent,” dir. Michel Bret, Edmond Couchot, Marie-Helene Tramus, France, 1990.

    70. Fuchs, Philippe, Les Interfaces de la Realite Virtue/le (Montpellier: Le Corum, 1996).

    71. Fuchs, Philippe, Le Traite de la Realite Virtuelle (Paris: Presses de !’Ecole des Mines, 2006).

    72. Shaw, Jeffrey, The Legible City, 1989-1990.

    73, “Le Pissenlit” (originally “Je Seme a Tout Vent”), dir. Michel Bret, Edmond Couchot, Marie-Helene
    Tramus, France, 1990.

    74. “Animation, la France Cartonne,” Telerama, No. 3279 (2012).

    75. “L’image de Synchese a la Conquete d’Holly wood,” Sciences et Techniques, No. 8 (1984).

    76. “Olivier Emery: Imagix-3D: The Beginning of 3D Animation Software Running on a PC in the 8o’s,”
    fmx/09 Stuttgart, 8 May, 2009, <media.siggraph.org/paris/fmx/Emery-Imagix.htmb.
    n Chabrier, Rodolphe, “Cinq Amis dans le Vent,” Symposium: Le Futur A un Passe, Paris, 21 June, 20n.

    78. “Jean-Charles Hourcade: INA, First CG Trials; TDI the Creation of the Explore Software,” fmx/09
    Stuttgart, 8 May, 2009, <media.siggraph.org/paris/fmx/Hourcade-Explore.htmb.

    79. Segura, Jean and Veronique Gode, “Prestataires en lnfographie: l’Etat de la France en 1993,”
    Sonovision, No. 367 (1993).

    80. Segura, Jean, ” Images de Synchese: Accord Ina Thomson,” La Lettre de Sciences & Techniques, No. 68 (1986).

    81. Corte, Olivier, “3-D Animation in France,” Computer Graphics World, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1996).

    82. “Sub-Oceanic Shuttle,” dir. Jerzy Kular, 1991.

    83. “La Cite des Enfants Perdus,” dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro, France, 1995.

    84. “Pierre Buffin: The Beginning of Buf Compagnie in 1985,” fmx/09 Stuttgart, 8 May, 2009, <media.

    85. “Alien” and “The Matrix,” for instance.

    86. “Maison Vole,” dir. Andre Martin and Philippe Queau, France, 1983.

    87. “Tron,” dir. Steven Lisberger, USA, 1982.

    88. “Luxo Jr.,” dir. John Lasseter, USA, 1986.
