Issue 86: ACM SIGGRAPH ’92 Video Supplement to the Conference Proceedings

  • ©86, ACM SIGGRAPH '92 Video Supplement to the Conference Proceedings

SVR Issue No:  86

SVR Issue Title:  ACM SIGGRAPH '92 Video Supplement to the Conference Proceedings

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1992

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SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 86 ACM SIGGRAPH ’92
    Video Supplement to the Conference Proceedings

    1. Scheduled Fourier Volume Morphing – Brown University
    2. Shape Transformation for Polyhedral Objects ACCAD – OSU
    3. Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points – Hugues Hoppe
    4. Smoothing Polyhedra with Implicit Algebraic Splines – Purdue University
    5. Pump It Up: Computer Animation of a Biomechanically Based Model of Muscle Using the Finite Element Method – MIT Media Lab
    6. A Simple Method for Extracting the Natural Beauty of Hair – Hitachi, Ltd.
    7. Variational Surface Modeling – William Welch, Andrew Witkin
    8. Direct Manipulation of Free-Form Deformations – DEC
    9. Surface Modeling with Oriented Particle Systems – DEC
    10. High Resolution Virtual Reality – Sun Microsystems
    11. Sound Rendering – The George Washington University
    12. An Algorithm with Linear Complexity for Interactive, Physically-Based Modeling of Large Proteins – Surles
    13. Interactive Spacetime Control for Animation – Cohen
    14. Through-the-Lens Camera Control – CMU
    15. Video Papers
    Using Deformations to Explore 3D Widget Design – Brown, University Computer Graphics Group
    Interactive Inspection of Solids: Cross-Sections and Interferences – IBM T.J. Watson Research Center