Issue 67: SIGGRAPH ’90 Film & Video Theater and SIGGRAPH ’90 Animation Screening Room

  • ©67, SIGGRAPH '90 Film & Video Theater and SIGGRAPH '90 Animation Screening Room

SVR Issue No:  67

SVR Issue Title:  SIGGRAPH '90 Film & Video Theater and SIGGRAPH '90 Animation Screening Room

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1990

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SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 67 SIGGRAPH ’90 Film & Video Theater and SIGGRAPH ’90 Animation Screening Room
    1. Prebirth – Hashem
    2. Blue Sky Productions Demo Reel – Brown, Blue Sky Productions, Inc.
    3. The Great ‘Blue Ouah Ouah’ – Baudart, Fantome
    4. Grinning Evil Death – McKenna & Sabiston, MIT Media Lab
    5. Closing Animation – Grower, Santa Barbara Studios
    6. Screen Play – Martinez, Pygmee Communication
    7. The Robe of an Angel – Motoyoshi
    8. Sity Savvy – Stredney & Chadwick, Ohio State University
    9. Le Pantin – Nagorny & Perrin, Relief
    10. IAD – Thalmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
    11. Flashback – Thalmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
    12. The Adventures of Chromie ‘On the Rocks’ – Casey, Prod. Masters, Inc.
    13. Reveil (Alarm Clock) – Fourneaux, Eurocitel
    14. Occam’s Razor – Bridgeford, EVL – UIC
    15. Interstitial Dreamin’ – Mara, Intelligent Light
    16. Thought Grid – King
    17. Camera Work – Haxton, William Paterson College
    18. Acolytes – White, Simmons College
    19. Vision d’une Schizophrene – High Tech. Lab. Japan
    20. Top tHat – Grotke, Anim. Lab, Capital Children’s Museum
    21. Luke Le Block’s Daring Escape – Foster

SVR Animations and Videos: