Susan Gourley

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • The National Film Board of Canada (NFB)


  • SIGGRAPH 1998 Jury Statement

    Overworked? Underpaid? No time for life’s little necessities like family and friends? Sound familiar? When I volunteered to produce the Animation Theaters, all of the above was true. Yes. I was in a rut. Ines pulled me out of it, offering quite a challenge. “So let me get this  straight. You want me to make a pro- gram I would like to watch? You want  me to ask my boss for time in order to do this? You want me to watch six hundred films in a row?” I accepted. And I found the student work stupendous. And I found it heart-wrenching to choose only a very few of the total number of films submitted, to choose which of all of them were to be shown in the Animation Theaters. I wanted the audience to be charmed, disturbed, and entertained. I wanted the films to be seen and appreciated by as large a SIGGRAPH audience as possible. I wanted the overall program to reflect that, were it only up to me, we would all “have to” look at all 591 juried pieces. This gave me an overview of our industry that you can find in no other way.  

Experience Organizing Committee Member:


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