Rob Clarke

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • 2K, Vice President of Global Services


  • Novato, California, United States of America



  • I’m a passionate and creative leader who puts people at the front of everything I do. I thrive on solving difficult challenges and love working on anything that lets me bring a creative angle.

    I am a chameleon who adapts to change and to people’s needs. In my time in games, I’ve been an Art and Creative Director, a Writer, a Producer, an Artist, and a Manager. I’m happy if I’m making something – anything – and the more creative the better.

    Everyday I bring all of those skills together to support groups in my org to deliver cutting edge, high quality content and services.

    I put my core philosophy at the forefront of everything I do: People first + strong Process = exceptional Product. People/Process/Product.

    Gamification | Design Thinking | Transformational Leadership | Risk & Change Management | Process Optimization

    Chief architect of a 220+ person, global (5 country) Creative Central Services agency for top tier video game publisher, 2K Games.

    Proposed, designed, project managed 2 stage Motion Capture Studio facility and Mobile Photogrammetry Services

    Successfully drove multiple corporate acquisitions and team integrations across a variety of media industries

    25 years of multimedia industry creative, management, and leadership experience.

    Creative-minded driver of innovation with a laser focus on customer and product experience.

    Director of a global enterprise alongside a wide portfolio of external service providers, across a globally dispersed staff with a footprint in 5 countries.

    People first leader, experienced in building large and diverse teams with transparent emphasis on career growth, mentorship and personal development, while maintaining business integrity.

    Proven track record of successes in building teams, services, and complex strategic solutions.

    Adept collaborator with Production, Operations, Marketing, PR, Finance and Legal departments, working across all business functions and levels, from technical and creative content creators to C-Suite executives.

    I am passionate about: Workplace DE&I and AllyShip, 3D Printing, Photogrammetry, Graphic Design, Story telling, Miniature building, & Card & Board Games

    I’m also great in front of an audience and enjoy public speaking, with engagements that include:
    Siggraph, Academy of Art, Carnegie Mellon, & USC


    Ultimately, I am a human leader who thrives on opportunities to bring my passions together with other smart and passionate people in order to create amazing things.

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Experience Category: Jury Member:


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