Michelle Riel

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • California State University and Monterey Bay


  • SIGGRAPH 2005

    Michelle Riel is an Assistant Professor of New Media and Chair of the Teledramatic Arts and Technology Department, a multidisciplinary program at California State University Monterey Bay. She has an undergraduate background in bioengineering and sociology and a master’s degree in scenography focusing on the integration of media in live performance and virtual reality sets, site specific performance, and art installation.

    Her current work with mobile and locative technologies, networked sensing environments, and real-time video explores social relations to public place. She is interested in creating playful and contemplative experiences through unexpected encounters with art and technology in public environments. This takes the form of interventions via embedded, responsive artifacts in public space and site-specific responsive installations. This strategy aims to reach an unintentional audience and to expose the general public to experiences of technology beyond productivity and utility application or mass, commercial entertainment experiences. 

    Additionally, through a Wireless Education and Technology Center (WeTEC) grant she leads student research in applications of mobile and locative media exploring narratives of place. She is also a principal investigator for the Center for Interactive Media and Games (CIMGames) researching alternate reality game models for learning and assessment of strategy based content. 

Learning Category: Moderator:


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