Machiko Kusahara

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Independent Curator and Consultant, Kobe University

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Kobe University, Graduate School of Science and Technology


  • Japan


  • SIGGRAPH 2001

    Curator and researcher in media art since 1983. Associate professor of media at Kobe University. Became a Net user in 1984, involved in webart since 1989. and ‘Transmediale 2000’ Berlin.

    Her extensive career in this field includes: Art making and direction: Telemetier(Tokyo, 1991-92), Renga (SIGGRAPH94) Curation&direction;: ICC Net(1993-94), Museum on the Network(NTT/ICC,1995) Web-related jury: LIFE3(2000), SFMOMA Webby Award (2000), UNESCO Web Prize(1998-99), Ars Electronica(1997-99), Portrait in Cyberspace (MIT Media Lab, 1995), Interactive Media Festival(1994-95), MILIA(1995,1997), MMCA Grand Prix(Japan, 1994-), Ministry of Culture Media Art Festival(Japan, 1998-)

Art Reviewer:

Artwork Collaboration(s):


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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