Garfield Benjamin

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  • Southampton, England, United Kingdom



  • I am a postdoctoral researcher at Solent University. My research spans cultural theory and creative media practice, focusing on the relation between humans and (digital) technology. My work emphasises the future of society, whether that be distant or imminent, in order to inform our understanding of the present.

    I previously worked for the Birmingham Centre for Cyber Security and Privacy, and before that received my PhD in Digital Technology Theory and Practice from the University of Wolverhampton for a thesis on The Cyborg Subject. Before my doctoral work, I was a member of the Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre following my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Birmingham.

    Research interests include:

    Media theory
    Digital culture
    Science fiction
    Computer games
    Digital art
    Quantum physics

    My creative media practice operates in dialogue with my theoretical work. This is often in the style of a productive antagonism, each mode of thinking bringing out challenges to and questions for the other. My work includes web-ba



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