Cristin Pescosolido

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  • SIGGRAPH 2017

    Lytro Cinema VFX Supervisor Cristin Pescosolido is responsible for leading the internal R&D VFX team, defining the on-set and post-production workflows, and working with clients as Lytro brings the first light field cinema camera to market.

    Prior to Lytro, Cristin was a stereo supervisor at Industrial Light and Magic, where she also worked as a technical lead for designing and implementing ILM’s canonical Nuke system. Cristin’s career in visual effects spans many roles over 20 years and many films, including “300,” “Rango,” “Titanic,” and “The Matrix Reloaded,” and “The Matrix Revolutions.”

    She studied animation under Derek Lamb, Suzan Pitt, Jules Engel, and Christine Panushka, as an undergraduate at Harvard and graduate at CalArts.

Experience Category: Jury Member:


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