Christine Schöpf

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Ars Electronica and Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF)


  • Christine Schöpf began working at the Upper Austria Regional television and radio studio in Linz, Austria, in 1977 in the area of news and politics. In 1981 Schöpf was made responsible for the art and science program at ORF. In 1979 Schöpf helped to create ARS ELECTRONICA: The Festival of Art, Technology, and Society, held annually at Linz, Austria. She has contributed greatly to the conception and organization of the festival itself as well as many programs sponsored by the festival including the PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA, an international computer art competition. In 1988 she served as the editor of the PRIX catalog Meisterwerke der Computerkunst. Schöpf actively promotes and supports the creation of computer art.

    SIGGRAPH 1998 Jury Statement

    Sitting in the airplane on the way to Montreal from Linz, Austria by way of Zurich, I asked myself why in the world, once again, I hadn’t been able to bring myself to say NO! From morning to night for four long days, I will  be sitting in darkened rooms. And for this I had to reschedule an important appointment, work is piling up on my desk at home, the answering machine will never finish, and email messages are overflowing my mailbox! I suppose it must be a tremendous enjoyment of the images, that I never seem to get enough of. The curiosity to see new ones – and to realize once  again that the only limit is the imagination. And of course there is Ines’  gentle power of persuasion allowing us, Kathy, Marc Ii, Tom, and me, complete liberty and inviting us to contribute our own individual ideas and opinions. And there is something else as well: it is naturally an honor to provide a creative contribution to the 25th (!) year of SIGGRAPH. It is my conviction that there are other areas in which the cultural transformation of our time is more apparent  than in computer graphics. Digital media are the common platform for artistic concepts and products from the field of entertainment, as well as for the visualization of economic correlations, military strategies, social processes and scientific hypotheses. It is the same, whether it involves mega-films  like ”Titanic;’ the homage to the brilliant mathematician David Hilbert, the  captivatingly beautiful Bjork video, or exciting, amusing, or touching short  stories like “Geri’s Game:’ or impressive commercials like “Perrier:’ or the  many works by highly creative young people from universities all over the world, or … The list could be endless.  On the whole, these were highly stimulating discussions, exciting days that I would not have wanted to miss. It is with great anticipation that I look forward to the show and Animation Theaters – I am certain that Johnie Horn has done a fantastic job putting it together again.  Four days later and it is back to Linz from Montreal by way of Zurich. And once again I know: THE ONLY LIMIT IS THE IMAGINATION! 

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:

Experience Category: Jury Member:


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